Nuclear and Particle Physics

(Edexcel Topic 8)



Structure of the atom

Nuclear radius

Rutherford’s Alpha Scattering Experiment

Matter and Antimatter

The cyclotron and pair production

Nuclear and Particle Physics flashcards

The three sub-atomic particles found in the atom are _________________, _______________ and __________________
proton, neutron and electron
Protons and neutrons are found in the _____________ and electrons are found in the _______________
nucleus, outer shells
Relative mass of proton
Relative mass of neutron
Relative mass of electron
Mass of proton (kg)
1.6 x 10-^27 kg
Mass of neutron (kg)
1.6x10-^27 kg
Mass of electron (kg)
9.11x10^-31 kg
Charge of proton (Coulombs)
1.6 x 10(^-19) C
Charge of electron (Coulombs)
-1.6 x 10(^-19) C
Width of nucleus
10(^-14) m
Width of an atom
10(^-10) m
____________ forces keep the electrons in orbit around the nucleus
The proton number is the number of ________ in the nucleus
The nucleon number is the total number of __________ ____ ________ in the nucleus
protons and neutrons
Isotopes are atoms of the same _________ number but with different ________ numbers
proton, nucleon
The strong nuclear force is the force which holds _________ and ________ together inside the nucleus. It has to be strong enough to counteract the repulsion amongst the ________
protons, neutrons, protons
Which of the three sub-atomic particles does the strong nuclear force not act on?
The strong nuclear force acts equally on all ________
The range of the strong nuclear force is about ________________
3 x 10(^-15)m
Below 1 fm the strong nuclear force is __________
Between 1 fm and 3fm the strong nuclear force is ________


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